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The Circle of Neovim and VSCode#

packer.vim deprecated#

packer.vim is currently unmaintained, wow 🥲. Changed my plugin manager to vim-plug for now.


As an software engineer, the two must have tools I use are terminal emulator and code editor. As for the terminal emulator, I use Alacritty and I think I can't find any emulator that really suits me (up untill now). But the case is different for code editor.

I mainly use VSCode as my go-to editor. I configured it with minimalist setup. The best part of VSCode is its plugin configuration and ecosystem. If I need a new LSP for example, I just need to search in the plugin sections and click install. Everything's just work out of the box. But recently, I encountered with this huuuge monorepo project to work. And that's when the issue came. Opening the project is laggy and when I used it for a longer time my laptop's RAM is a bit angry. That's when I switched back to Neovim.

I must say Vim's motion is the best for coding. Even if you only use the hjkl and a,d,x,y,i,v plus the number combination to move and edit arround, is amazingly helpful. But to work on a big project I need something IDE-like. With the ability to move around between files and preserve the buffers. At this point, I need to configure neovim to match my need by their plugins. The (not so) problem is configuring plugin in neovim is different from VSCode. You can't just click click and boom it's done. You need to have a plugin manager then list the plugin that you want to use, setup them manually by code (in lua or vimscript). Sometime these things are a bit tiring. After a month or so, when there's an update for the plugin, sometime there's a breaking change that will take a time to fix. At this time, I usually back to VSCode so I can focus on my work instead of re-configuring my setup. And the so the pattern is circling.