Test test… Now konyako is using custom markdown parser that adheres CommonMark (no more wrapping feed with >), but still has some limitations:
Can’t parses table
Can’t parses backtick inside code
Can’t parses backtick inside block code
Also I added custom extension that will parse @ to html time tag, yeay!
I also can update the feeds directly from my phone now. By utilizing a-shell (has built-in lua and libgit2) as phone’s terminal and Runestone as markdown editor 🎉.
psst: konyako is a markdown-based static-microblogging-like (imagine twittru x tumblr x jekyll) generator powered by git and lua (no, there’s no npm node_module gems nor huge executable binary, only lua scripts).
Next, I’m planning to add rss feed and jsx-like template engine.
It looks like static generating date/time was not that good. Date/time must be relative to the person/device whom see it. So I decided to refactor konyako's date/time to semantic time tag and uses UTC as datetime attribute's value while the tag's innerHTML got formatted relatives to device's timezone.
I keep thinking how to make a feed that's more accessible from any device.
I thought about using isomorphic-git in feedear's web app that will integrate with my feed's repo on github. But this method still need a server (and honestly i don't want to rent any server) for the sake of keeping the github oauth secret.
There's also an option with using git-based CMS and host it at jamstack friendly provider. This has its own pitfall tho, I can't customize the ui and data flow as free as I want it to be.
And that's when the idea about creating my own git-based-like CMS that stored and edited in markdown file. This is also a nice chance for me to practice lua. I had this neovim config that made me learn lua, but didn't know what to do to improve my knowledge about lua. So here it is, introducing: konyako, a simple micro blogging in (not so) timeline order.
Thinking is it better to include the feedear web into the editor. This will make setup much easier and not confusing. The trade is the web will be locked into feeadear setup (using astro) and I need to think how people will customize the styling.
feedear's current version still lacking in some important feature like deleting and editing feed properly. The current code is also not looking that nice. Well I’m still new to Rust. Bet that’s the main factor on these issues.